A Vehicle Assignment Problem to Improve Logistics Operations in a Mexican Freight Transport Company


  • Felix Eduardo Bueno Pascual Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla Autor/a MX
  • Jose Luis Martinez Flores Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla Autor/a MX
  • Diana Sanchez Partida Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla Autor/a MX
  • Patricia Cano Olivos Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla Autor/a MX

Palabras clave:

Logistics, freight transport, assignment, factor analysis, vehicle assignment


The purpose of this paper is to apply the vehicle assignment model to a Mexican freight transport company, whose costs elements were analyzed through factor analysis and ANOVA. Main factors identified help to minimize logistics costs, because the company can manage them, through the daily program of units. The model helps not only to assign the vehicles to one route, but to identify the movements they must do when the units are empty and they must be moved between routes, improving the assignment, maintenance, penalty, idle time, and general logistics costs. This research not only covers the mathematical problem, but also the statistical analysis carried out to obtain the main factors to be included as part of the costing model to assign units and minimize the overall costs incurred by the company







Cómo citar

A Vehicle Assignment Problem to Improve Logistics Operations in a Mexican Freight Transport Company. (2023). Coloquio Interdisciplinario De Posgrado UPAEP, 1(10). https://cipu.upaep.mx/index.php/cipu/article/view/812